I've been wanting to acknowledge that 'gratitude really works.'
I started hearing coaching around gratitude when I set on my path to spiritual identity in college. People like Marianne Williamson and Gabrielle Bernstein constantly teach that we attract more of what we express to the world: If we are grateful and show love and appreciation for the positive things in life, we attract a bounty more of those positive things.
We can attract anything, in this way.
I am not a routine-disciplined person.
I don't have a morning regimen or daily practice.a
>>> "GASP! but that's the way to success!"
In its place, I simply have confidence, that patience and practice will make the appropriate subtle change over time, with kindness to myself through the process of transforming. Often this means a reaction to things in my head that sounds like, "woah! nope not fixed yet, but keep trying…"
So this gratitude thing.
I don't have sticky notes on my mirror (which doesn't mean they wouldn't help), but I'm here to declare that a solid 10 years in, I feel mature in my gratitude practice.
It's part of my muscles, it's present in my breathing.
Holy crap, it's the "contentedness" I used to sob over attaining.
(I paid lots of people lots of money to help me with that concept, God Bless them for offering their services to the world. )That's all I wanted… to feel 'content'; my version of saying "I want to be happy."
Gratitude provides that
- Where I am is good.
- Where I'm going is good.
- The things I own are good.
- The skills I have are good (& they're good enough now to go get that thing I want next!)
Gratitude provides that unwavering faith we all desire… that life itself, is good.