We know when we feel stress. Fear, anxiety. It's apparent, we know it, we aren't happy about it, and the people around us know it too.
Do you know when you feel happy? That's not a rhetorical question. Read it again… do you actually realize when you're feeling joy?
I felt it last night and again this morning, and it stood out to me because it comes unexpectedly through a fog of mostly low moods lately. The shift was apparent and I had to stop to name it.
The conversation (with myself) went something like this: "oo that's a flutter! Why!? Where did it come from?! Where do I find more!? Stop all things. Look at this closely. Name the things that created this feeling, because it's a bit dangerous in here [my mind] without it lately."
Writes list. Exhale. Shares with people I care about.
The things I'm stressed about are not gone. Joy and depression are not mutually exclusive. Mind. Blown.
Do you have an experience of feeling both things? Do you notice when you’re feeling one, the other, or both? Of course, the goal is to notice the joy more often, or maybe even create it once we know the ingredients.